Contact Us

Get in touch with us

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 7am to 7pm

Saturday: 8am to 12pm

    If enquiring about a Booking, please include the following info:
    The service you would like to book, the dates and slots would work best for you and how many people would you like to book for?

    Visit our Facilities

    Claremont / Newlands:

    Find us in X-Body Fitness,
    'M' Level of Stadium on Main Parkade,
    91 on Main Road,
    Claremont, Cape Town.

    Green Point / De Waterkant:

    Find us in Oxygen Functional Fitness,
    1 Moreland Terrace,
    Green Point,
    Cape Town

    No niggle is too big or too small for us

    We look Forward to Fixing You!